Party building work

The secretary of the Party Committee of the hospital made a collective clean government talk to the leading group and all middle-level cadres


On April 18, Xu Liya, secretary of the Party Committee of the hospital, conducted a clean government talk to members of the hospital's leadership team, all middle-level cadres and key staff in a collective talk。


Xu Liya stressed that the members of the hospital leadership team and all middle-level cadres are to improve their ideological awareness and build a strong sense of integrity。要学深悟透习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,始终坚定党的理想信念,要以自我革命的清醒和坚定,始终绷紧廉洁从业这根弦,不碰红线,守住底线。The second is to carry out the study and education of Party discipline solidly, so as to learn discipline, know discipline, Ming discipline and observe discipline。The leading group and mid-level cadres should carefully study the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Measures.,Be strict with yourself,Always check your words and deeds against the Party constitution and regulations,Observe the bottom line of rules;To earnestly fulfill the construction of Party conduct and clean government "one post and two responsibilities",The construction and operation of Party conduct and clean government shall be deployed, implemented, inspected, and assessed together,Solid inspection and rectification, clean hospital construction, centralized rectification and other work。Third, we should take the initiative to perform our duties conscientiously。Team members should carefully plan and promote the work in their respective areas,In particular, the major work of public hospital performance assessment, undergraduate education and teaching review and evaluation, and the construction of new hospitals,Take the lead and work hard,Ensure that all work achieves solid results;Middle-level cadres should bravely take on heavy burdens and fight hard,Enhance the ability to do business,Perform their duties conscientiously,Strive to promote the high-quality development of the hospital。

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